
We hope to see kindness become a common expression and way of interacting in our communities. The best place for kindness to be formational and become foundational is in our schools. If you are a teacher or principal, we would like to partner with you to develop the personal responsibility and character in your students necessary for them to become leaders who create a culture of value and respect expressed through kindness.

We focus our work with students in the area of Social-Emotional Learning. Resolution: Kindness functions around five actions; smile, listen, encourage, help, say thank you. We work with students to develop personal character and responsibility based around these five actions. In our program, we cover six specific character qualities: integrity, respect, empathy, encouragement, sacrificial service, and gratitude.

Once there is an understanding of the importance of personal character we challenge the students to change the culture of their school to be one that expresses kindness. RK strategically facilitates the development of student leaders, while challenging and equipping them to step out and lead a movement of kindness within their schools.

As we are working with students, we also offer materials and training for those teachers that want to take this character based learning into their classroom to support the leadership development of their students. RK also provides the opportunity for parents to learn and understand the same materials and character traits as their students, which has the potential to multiply the impact. The approach we take with students, teachers, and parents has been shown to reduce bullying, increase the confidence of students to lead, and improve critical thinking skills.

We have several different packages we can put together to meet your specific needs. Our program can be implemented within a school district, individual school, or a single classroom.

Option 1:

  • Overview of Resolution: Kindness with the teacher(s) and principal.

  • Development of a specific implementation plan for the classroom.

  • Provide limited support materials (posters, stickers, banners).

  • Discount on additional support materials.

Option 2:

  • In-person training with teachers on RK materials and processes.

  • 10-part curriculum for classroom use.

  • Discussion of different approaches to implementing RK in the classroom.

  • Resolution: Kindness workbook for each student.

  • A limited amount of support materials and a discount on additional materials.

Option 3:

  • Six in-person events with students developing the character qualities of kindness (integrity, respect, empathy, encouragement, sacrificial service, gratitude).

  • Resolution: Kindness book for each student.

  • Kindness movement training, development and support for the students during the school year.

  • Overview of training for teachers to introduce how they can support the kindness movement.

  • A limited amount of support materials and a discount on additional materials.

  • Six-part parent class supporting what the students are learning and implementing.

  • Development of a city-wide movement plan

All options can be individually tailored to any situation. Contact us today by registering your school online below with Resolution Kindness, and we will help you get a kindness movement started in your classroom, school, and district.

Remember to Smile, Listen, Encourage, Help, Say Thank You! 

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