Why kindness?
With all the fractures in our world today, there is a need for healing. It is easy to expect others to find the solution when the real answer is simple: we can show value for others just by being kind. When we value others, it is easier to listen and we are more open to learn. Sometimes the most radical solutions come through the simplest steps.
Why the name, Resolution: Kindness?
It is one thing to value kindness when it is extended to us, but it is a personal choice to treat others with kindness. To make a resolution like this, is to "resolve" in advance to act in kindness.
How do I get involved?
Involvement is simple: determine for yourself that you will choose kindness first in all of your interactions. We have stated five ways we believe anyone can express kindness - smile, listen, encourage, help, say thank you. If you have made kindness your resolution, then grab a sticker or two and display them as a reminder to yourself and encouragement to others. Also, spread the word and invite others to join you in this movement of kindness
How do I get material?
We have posters, stickers, window decals and other items available (clothing coming soon) to help spread awareness. If you have made a resolution for kindness, show your sticker. If you are a business, church, school, or organization click on the links to register and request resources. These are available for individuals as well.
How can I help?
The first and most important way to help is a personal resolution to impact your world through kindness. Second, invite others to join you. We are hoping to see this become a movement. Third, if you would like to help cover the cost of the materials that are available, you can send a donation to Resolution: Kindness. 100% of donations go directly to production.